Friday, April 29, 2005

There's a reason people talk about "liberal media bias"

While I'm not given to idiotic conspiracy theories about this, it's a well-known fact that most reporters vote Democrat. This clearly results in a kind of group-think, where the "obviousness" of certain "facts" is uncritically accepted.

Today's the headline at the top of the AJC's business page blares out at me, "GDP report fans stagflation talk." Well, if you read the story, you learn that the economy in 2005Q1 grew 3.1% (less than the expected 3.5%). This (pretty good) rate is the weakest growth pace in two years, when growth has ranged from this quarter's 3.1% to a high of 7.4% (in 2003Q3) and averaged a very healthy 4.3%. Yet one not-blistering quarter (but still over the magic 3%) and out comes the "stagflation" talk.

During Clinton's tenure as President, 13 of the 32 quarters had less than 3.1% GDP growth, and I don't recall any "stagflation" "talk" being "fanned." Something to think about...

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