Saturday, April 14, 2007

WHD Problem 2.5

There are n assets Si,...,Sn satisfying the following stochastic differential equations dSi = σi Si dXi + μi Si dt, for i = 1, ..., n

The Wiener processes dX i satisfy E[dXi] = 0 and E[dXi2] = dt, as usual, but the asset price changes are correlated with E[dXidXj] = ρijdt where -1 ≤ ρij ≤ 1.

Derive Ito's Lemma for a function f(Si,...,Sn) of the n assets.

Actually, I already know most or all of the content of The Mathematics of Financial Derivatives; I am reading it as a review in preparation for more advanced materials I am hoping to get to in the near future.

This exercise is pretty trivial, mostly a matter of keeping track of all the variables.

The Taylor series expansion is
df = (∂f/∂t)dt + Σ(∂f/∂Si)dSi + ½Σ(∂2f/∂Si∂Sj)dSidSj

dSidSj = (σi Si dXi + μi Si dt)(σj Sj dXj + μj Sj dt) = σi σj Si Sj dXi dXj = ρij σi σj Si Sj dt
dropping all higher order terms and then substituting in the correlation assumption.

So finally we obtain
df = [ (∂f/∂t) + Σ μi Si (∂f/∂Si) + ½ Σ ρij σi σj Si Sj (∂2f/∂Si∂Sj) ] dt + Σ σi Si (∂f/∂Si) dXi

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