Wednesday, April 18, 2007

WHD Problem 3.6a

Find the most general solution of the Black-Scholes equation that has the special form V=V(S).

(∂V/∂t) + ½ σ2 S2 (∂2V/∂S2) + r S (∂V/∂S) - rV = 0

Substituting V=V(S) reduces the partial differential equation to an ordinary differential equation.

S2 (d2V/dS2) + (2r/σ2) S (dV/dS) - (2r/σ2) V = 0

This is an Euler differential equation x2y'' + axy' - by = 0, the solutions of which can be found with the aid of the characteristic equation.

λ2 + (a-1)λ + b = 0

λ2 + (2r/σ2 -1)λ + (-2r/σ2) = 0

Applying the quadratic equation, one obtains (after a bit of algebra) two roots

λ = 1 and λ = (-2r/σ2)

Using these roots, we determine that the most general solution of the Euler equation is
V(S) = c1 S + c2 S (-2r/σ2)

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