Monday, October 06, 2008

35-year old to head TARP

Paulson announced Neel Kashkari, a close advisor, has been tapped to lead the $700 billion mortgage rescue effort. A former banker at Goldman Sachs, Kashkari has been assistant secretary for international economics. He came to Treasury along with Paulson in July 2006. Kashkari's new title is interim assistant secretary for financial stability. Kashkari, 35, holds two master's degrees. The first is an MS in engineering and the second was an MBA in finance.

You have to be kidding me! Leaving aside for now the continuing invasion of our economy by Paulson's Goldman Sachs associates, they are putting a 35 year old in charge of $700B!!?? I have more experience in finance than this guy!

1 comment:

ALD said...